Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Benefit of Biblical Theology

Graeme Goldsworthy, one of the foremost proponents of biblical theology in our day, discusses why biblical theology is so appealing and so important:
The immediate appeal of biblical theology to preachers, teachers and ordinary Christians is that it provides a "big picture" that makes sense out of the bewildering bulk and variety of the biblical literature. It seeks to view the whole scene of God's revelation from the heights - to mount up with eagles' wings and allow God to show us his one mighty plan from creation to new creation.  When the Bible ceases to be a mass of unconnected stories and other bits of writing, and begins to look like a unity that connects the narratives of Israel with those of the four Gospels, that shows up the progression from the creation to the new creation, and that highlights the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the prime focus of the whole Bible, people usually sit up and take notice. If the Bible is indeed the one word of the one God about the one way of salvation through the one Savior, Jesus Christ, it is biblical theology that will reveal this to us.
--Graeme Goldsworthy, Christ-Centered Biblical Theology