Monday, August 3, 2009

Marriage, Sex, and the Christianity Today Cover Story

If you haven't seen it yet, the cover story for the most recent issue of Christianity Today is Mark Regnerus' article, "The Case for Early Marriage." The gist of Regnerus' argument is that too many American evangelicals have delayed marriage, which has resulted in so many examples of Christian young people being unable to refrain from premarital sex. Here it is in his own words:
Evangelicals tend to marry slightly earlier than other Americans, but not by much. Many of them plan to marry in their mid-20s. Yet waiting for sex until then feels far too long to most of them. And I am suggesting that when people wait until their mid-to-late 20s to marry, it is unreasonable to expect them to refrain from sex. It's battling our Creator's reproductive designs.
I encourage you to read both Regnerus' article as well as Al Mohler's thoughts about early marriage in his most recent blog post.