Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Malnourished Gluttons

I have been thinking lately on the fact that we twenty-first century Americans have more at our disposal than any other previous generation, and yet we seem to be missing so many of the good qualities that characterized those who went before us. Though we have multiple outlets for social interaction, we are individualistic and lonely. Though we live in the information age, most of the information we value is rather trivial. Though we have more "stuff" than we could ever need, still we lust for more. And on and on I could go.

As I was contemplating and lamenting this sad state of affairs (specifically, how I am just as guilty of this dilemma), a term came into my mind to describe us - malnourished gluttons. And as I thought more about that term, I realized just how fitting it was. So, I penned the following words to describe those of us who are twenty-first century Americans.

Malnourished Gluttons
M. Justin Wainscott, 2009

Malnourished gluttons,
We're full with hunger pain;
Parched amidst a flood,
And thirsty in the rain.