Dr. Smith will be giving three lectures, one each day (Tuesday-Thursday), and his overall theme is "Preaching as Intra-Trinitarian Presence." The schedule and the topic of each day's lecture is as follows:
God of Our Weary Years - Theocentricity
Tuesday, April 24 (10:00am - EST)
Theology of the HIMbook - Christocentricity
Wednesday, April 25 (10:00am - EST)
The Neglected God - Pneumacentricity
Thursday, April 26 (10:00am - EST)
Few men have been more influential in my preaching than Robert Smith. It was a privilege and a joy to sit under his teaching while at Beeson Divinity School and it is a pleasure to call him my friend.
By the way, his book, Doctrine That Dances: Bringing Doctrinal Preaching and Teaching to Life, is an excellent resource for those of you who preach and teach.