Wednesday, September 2, 2009

In Honor of the Bach of Baptists

I have had the privilege of collaborating on several hymns with Dr. Ron Boud, the Bach of Baptists. Dr. Boud is a skilled and accomplished musician, composer, and arranger. He taught at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for 20 years and has been teaching at Union University for the last 14 years. He is an absolute joy to be around and a real gift to God's church. There is no one I would rather hear play the organ than Dr. Boud.

My most recent hymn was written in his honor.

Sweet, Melodious Praise
M. Justin Wainscott ©2009

In honor of Ronald E. Boud

Creation sings its Maker’s praise,
And echoes all around;
Its songs pour forth in countless ways,
In symphonies of sound.

Let us whom Christ by blood redeemed
Sound forth our praises too;
For, we’ve more reason to esteem
The songs our God is due.

So let our music ring with joy,
Let ev’ry note be praise;
No greater theme can songs employ
Than God’s redeeming grace.

Now tune we all our joyous cries
Into one grateful song;
And let our voices harmonize
With music loud and strong.

And oh the music that abounds
When sinners saved rejoice,
When ev’ry instrument resounds
In union with each voice.

Now may our God be glorified
As we our voices raise;
May He receive this swelling tide
Of sweet, melod’ous praise.