Tuesday, September 22, 2009

B.B. Warfield on "The Religious Life of Theological Students"

Third Millenium Ministries has re-printed an excellent article by B.B. Warfield on "The Reilgious Life of Theological Students" (first delivered as an address at Princeton Theological Seminary in 1911). It is lengthy, but it is well worth the time of all seminary students and pastors (and even undergraduate theological students desiring to attend seminary). Here is a brief excerpt:
A minister must be both learned and religious. It is not a matter of choosing between the two. He must study, but he must study as in the presence of God and not in a secular spirit. He must recognize the privilege of pursuing his studies in the environment where God and salvation from sin are the air he breathes. He must also take advantage of every opportunity for corporate worship, particularly while he trains in the Theological Seminary. Christ Himself leads in setting the example of the importance of participating in corporate expressions of the religious life of the community. Ministerial work without taking time to pray is a tragic mistake. The two must combine if the servant of God is to give a pure, clear, and strong message.

Read the whole thing here.