Monday, March 21, 2011

The Signs (and Non-Signs) of the Times

"When Jesus' disciples ask him for signs of the end, Jesus does an odd thing. He spends a long paragraph telling them all the events that are not signs of the end.

Ever the subtle doctor of souls, Jesus knows what he is doing. When the world becomes chaotic and frightening, even the calmest people are tempted to go apocalyptic.

The Dow is down 2,000 points! China is catching up with the US! Global temperatures continue to climb! We face a health care crisis! Iran is getting nukes! Stars are falling from the sky, and the moon is turning to blood!

Jesus says, Calm down. Do not be afraid. Worlds do come to an end, and ultimately, this creation will yield to a new creation. But the end is not yet. That guy carrying the sign, 'The end is nigh' - he's the false prophet.

Reading the signs of the times is important. Knowing the non-signs is, however, a more basic skill."

--Peter Leithart, from the "Quodlibet" section of Touchstone