As a follow-up and as an effort to assist in that task, I thought I would recommend a few resources that I have found helpful for developing a better understanding of the Old Testament and for seeing its fulfillment in Christ. The first two books are great reference works that provide a book-by-book survey of the Old Testament. The Demptser volume is a theology of the Hebrew Bible. And the others are all brief paperbacks oriented toward helping us understand the Old Testament as ultimately fulfilled in and through Jesus.
- An Introduction to the Old Testament, Tremper Longman III and Raymond Dillard
- Old Testament Theology, Paul House
- Dominion and Dynasty, Stephen Dempster
- Gospel and Kingdom, Graeme Goldsworthy
- The Scriptures Testify About Me, D.A. Carson
- The Unfolding Mystery, Edmund Clowney
- What Is Biblical Theology?, Jim Hamilton
- God's Big Picture, Vaughan Roberts