Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Packer Asks, "Have You Yourself, I Wonder, Read It Yet?"

J. I. Packer offers many of us a gentle rebuke:
For two centuries Pilgrim’s Progress was the best-read book, after the Bible, in all Christendom, but sadly it is not so today. 
When I ask my classes of young and youngish evangelicals, as I often do, who has read Pilgrim’s Progress, not a quarter of the hands go up. 
Yet our rapport with fantasy writing, plus our lack of grip on the searching, humbling, edifying truths about spiritual life that the Puritans understood so well, surely mean that the time is ripe for us to dust off Pilgrim’s Progress and start reading it again. 
Certainly, it would be great gain for modern Christians if Bunyan’s masterpiece came back into its own in our day. 
Have you yourself, I wonder, read it yet?
Personally, I like the updated version of Pilgrim's Progress from Crossway, edited by C.J. Lovik.