A vivid reminder from Russell Moore about Jesus' clear understanding of his own identity as the Son of God and as the second Adam, as he moved from his baptism to his temptation in the wilderness:
"If you had stood there by the Jordan River, watching the scene at the baptism of Jesus, you might have braced yourself for a shock wave of glory. After all, the God of Israel had just unveiled - publicly, audibly, visually - his promised Messiah. The villagers around you might have been chattering about great things - the overthrow of Rome, the throne of David, shock and awe. You might have waited to watch this new king unleash his Spirit power. Instead, though, you would see him shake out the water from his hair, pause and look at the mud on the bank, and then walk off toward the desert. As he passed by you, you might have heard him whisper to himself, something about crushing a snake's skull. Jesus knows who he is."
--Russell Moore, Tempted and Tried