Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Theater of God's Glory

My friend, Eric Smith, has a great post today on his blog (Shepherd of the Sheep), reminding us that compartmentalized thinking (which runs rampant in American Evangelicalism) simply will not do when we realize the universal scope of God's reign. Here's an excerpt:

It is easy to live a divided, compartmentalized kind of life in which God fits neatly into Sundays and Wednesday nights, as well as in our quiet times, but then to view everything else from our jobs to our back yards to our meals with completely secular lenses. But Scripture, and I think especially the psalms, call us to reject such a notion.

Israel’s God, Yahweh, was not limited to a certain sphere of the world; he was the Creator of all things – their covenant God was the Lord of the universe! And so we must see, and confess, and delight in the truth that everything – everything – belongs to the Triune God of our salvation. It was created by him and for him.

Let us remind ourselves today that we are not simply going about business as usual; we are passing through the theater of the glory of God.

I encourage you to read the whole thing here.